Welcome to HUSH

This class blog will be used for all assignments, communication and online class discussions. Visit this site daily for any messages, updates or changes in assignments.

How to Post

 How to Post:
1- Go to this site: http://price-hah.blogspot.com (bookmark this on your home computer)
2- Read everything on the Blog
3- Click on 'Post a Comment'
4- Begin writing
5- Enter the anti-spam word
6- Choose  Name/URL and write your name
7- Publish your comment

Key tips regarding posts:
• Address the post in the original prompt as well as those by people who write prior to you.
• Support your post with facts supporting your view and make it persuasive.
• Acknowledge the other points of view.
• Be thoughtful, indicating that you have reflected on the material that is behind the question.
• Bring in other references as appropriate.
• Show that you’ve read what your classmates have written. Respond to what they say. Agree or disagree—respectfully—but give reasons.
• Raise questions—don’t be hesitant to ask one.
• Make your posts legible, grammatically sound, clear. Use spell and grammar check.
• Show that you are engaged with the assignment and with the underlying issues.