Welcome to HUSH

This class blog will be used for all assignments, communication and online class discussions. Visit this site daily for any messages, updates or changes in assignments.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Share What You Wear

Bring in clothes - you can take them to your home base teacher or bring them tome in room 102.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cold War Test Tuesday March 6

Chapters 15, 16 and 17-1
Study Guide Updated

JFK & Khrushchev --------->

Cuban Missile Crisis

Packet Read and Study Guide Complete for Friday 3/2/12

Read Chapter 17-1 & complete section assessment on page 534

1950's Party Thursday

Food to bring to our PARTY

Dress up and be prepared to share your fad.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

For Tuesday 2/28/12

Read Chapter 16-1 and fill in notes from Powerpoint
Read Chapter 16-2 and complete section assessment on
page 508 – # 1 (a & b); # 2 (b & c); # 3 (b)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fifties Project Due Monday 2/27/12

Once you click on the site, go to the blue button on the right and join the group. Put in your user name and password and log on.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fabulous Fifties Project - Due Monday 2/27/12

An Effective Technology Project includes:
A. Title and names of students
B. Introduction to the focus of the topic
C. Headings (at least four) that include

a. Supporting content that reflects the topic and is from multiple sources.

b. Key people, events, and information must be included

c. Content should reflect the images.

d. Citation: All sources must be cited using Noodlebib.

D. Conclusion: Discuss the impact/significance of this topic.
E. Graphs and images to help tell your story. All images should be labeled and cited. Dates are important!
F. Keep the sequence well-ordered and obvious
G. Creativity!!!

Ideas for 1950’s Project
Storybook (must be electronic)

1950’s Party: We will be having a 1950’s class party. This will include music, food, fashion, and fads of the 1950’s. This will require you to do the following:
A. You will be assigned a fad (pick out of a hat) and find this item or picture and explain its significance.
B. You and your partner can bring in food/candy (see list) or dress in 1950’s fashion. Creativity counts!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

For Wednesday 2/22/12

Korean War DBQ Essay Due
* Strong Thesis Statement
* Supporting evidence using the documents (at least 3)
* Use documents names, not the doc number
* Strong conclusion

For Friday 2/17/12

Quiz on Chapter 15 - ALL 4 SECTIONS
Read Chapter 15-4 Korean War
Collecting notebooks - I am checking Chapter 15 homework only.

Monday, February 13, 2012

For Block Day 2/16/12

Read & outline chapter 15-3

Joseph McCarthy (McCarthyism) --------------->

Sunday, February 12, 2012

For Tuesday 2/14/12

Read Chapter 15-2 and complete the section assessment #1b; 3b, c; 4
Complete Marshall Plan worksheet if not completed in class.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

For Monday 2/13/12

Watch Winston Churchill Video and take notes in your notebook

Read and Outline Chapter 15-1 - do by Monday

Read "Containment" and answer the questions in your notebook

Sunday, February 5, 2012

For Block Day 2/9/12

Test on WWII Chapter 14

For Tuesday 2/7/12

Read handout: The Epilogue and complete worksheet

Check Progressbook to make up any missing assignments!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

For Monday 2/6/12

Read and Outline chapter 14-5.
Be prepared for a debate on dropping the atomic bomb. All readings should be completed.

For Friday 2/3/12

Homework for Holocaust.